
We the Fans of Billow, in Order to form a more perfect team, establish Victory, ensure the spread of Anchovy joy, provide for the common enjoyment of Anchovy, promote the general welfare of our delicious snacks, and secure the blessings of Anchovy to ourselves and our loyal followers, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Billowvia.

Article I: The Anchovy Leadership

Section 1. All leadership powers herein granted shall be vested in the Anchovy Command of Billow, which shall consist of a Supreme Commander and a Squad of anchovy lovers.

Section 2. The Anchovy Squad

Section 3. The Supreme Commander

Section 4. The Squad Assembly

Section 5. Powers of the Anchovy Squad

Article II: The Anchovy Command

Section 1. The Supreme Commander’s Duties

Section 2. The Anchovy Crews

Section 3. Training and Development

Article III: The Anchovy Events and Strategy

Section 1. Anchovy Challenges

Section 2. Strategy and Tactics

Section 3. Victory and Honor

Article IV: The Billowvia and its Future

Section 1. The Future of Anchovy

Section 2. Securing the Blessings of Victory Snacks

The Bill of Rights of the Billowvia

Article I: Freedom of Anchovy Enjoyment

Article II: Right to Anchovy Celebration

Article III: Right to Free Anchovy Speech

Article IV: Right to Anchovy Defense

Article V: Right to Anchovy Freedom of Expression

Article VI: Right to Anchovy Representation

Article VII: Right to Anchovy Privacy

Article VIII: Right to Equal Access to Anchovy

Article IX: Right to Anchovy Snacks and Treats

Article X: Right to Anchovy Education